Friday, June 18, 2004

Oh Hell No

And this is probably the WORST thing I've read--not including most of the memos and e-mails at my job.

I don't disagree with the premise of this article: that we are becoming more likely to be flexible and vital in our lives as we age. What I loathe about this article: the notion that artificially-maintained physical attractiveness--Botox, lifts, surgeries, hair dye, etc--is equivalent in worth to mental openness and flexibility in making choices about what to do with your life. There's a profound difference, to me, between superficial attributes--the appearance thing--and the fundamental nature of a human being--their choices, their beliefs, and how they intersect. To conflate the superficial stuff with the down-to-the-core stuff....well, then again, that's why I don't get along too well in this society most of the time, isn't it. But because so many people think like Them, and so few people think like me...that makes ME the weirdo. Oh well--it's good work, though the pay's abysmal.

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