Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Ho', Ho', Ho'.

In the true spirit of holiday time-wasting, I am sitting here at my desk in Place Where I Work, reading any website that crosses my path and listening to iTunes.

I came across an article in...what was that, the New York Times or something?...anyway, it doesn't matter. The article was about "Chrismukkah", which is, for fans of teenage soap operas at least, apparently the equivalent of Festivus. Not being an "O.C" fan, I personally could care less.

What _was_ entertaining to me was the Google ad box at the bottom. It included this sentiment, which--Governor Ahnuld aside--I can imagine might not be very popular in ANY blue state, let alone Cali:

Christmas is Adultery

Jesus Christ views Christmas as whoredom with false gods.


As for me...I wanna be the Christmas Whore.

1 comment:

  1. Actually Chrismukka is the combining of two different religous holidays (Christmas and Hanakka, don't know if i spelled that right or not). Festivus is sort of the equivilent of NODWISH (Non Denominational Winter Soltice Holiday). I know this anal information because I am a fan of The OC and read about Festivus on Google News!
    Now that I've made a pest of myself, let me say , nice blog!!
