Wednesday, December 8, 2004

So This Is Getting Ridiculous

I am now sick for a record-setting FOURTH day.

I don't get sick like this. The last time I remember being sick like this was back in college. In fact, Firefly and I were BOTH sick, so we lay in our bunk-beds and whimpered pitifully (in that case, it was Incapacitating Death-Flu, not Lung-Hacking Malarial Plague or whateverthefuck this is) and begged our friends down the hall to take my car and bring back some ginger ale.

At the moment, I'd settle for Robitussin, even though THAT can set off a really entertaining pharmaceutical interaction. (Methadone + Robitussin= Gladys Gets Really Goofy and Then Sleeps For Thirteen Hours.) Instead I'm sitting here drinking gallons of hot tea and watching Seth Green on Sesame Street. And you know, Seth Green would be kinda hot, if he was taller.

Meanwhile, work has called five times, for issues as varied as "could you move those records?" to (ten minutes later) "have you moved those records yet?" and then "Where is Samuel's problem box?" (Samuel's problem box is approximately five feet to the left of where it was before. For some reason, this was a problem that merited forcing me to unglue my tonsils from the back of my trachea.)

There's nothing terribly delicious to eat here, either. One of those green-and-black, warm-blooded, fire-starting Popsicles would go down well right about now.


  1. ugh....get better...i'm finally getting rid of my flu.

  2. Oh that's terrible! At least my death virus went through my system in 24 hours... Ick!
