Saturday, January 22, 2005

Oh, How I Love The Weekend...

I am sitting here at 2:30 AM, watching something crappy on Court TV, serene in the knowledge that I don't have to get up tomorrow morning.

Not only don't I have to get up, it would be a fairly-pointless endeavor regardless--I won't be able to go anywhere. Because, my friends, it is snowing like a mad bastard here.

I may get up anyway, however, since I've been upstaged by some chick I've never met, apparently.

LJ came home today--what DOES that man have about travelling during snowstorms?--and brought a friend with him from downstate. And the two of them, for the hour or so that we all were in the same room before they left, talked about nearly NOTHING but how well they'd been fed over the past few days--apparently, the friend's woman cooks like nobody's business. I wasn't even there and I was getting a little drooly just HEARING about all the shit this woman cooks.

I gotta step up my game.

It's funny--I'm a vicious feminist, yet I get all Stepford-Wife-y about things like this. But it wouldn't matter if I didn't actually LIKE to cook, or if it wasn't something I take pride in. I mean, if one of the guys were to criticize my housekeeping, I'd give him the squirrel-eye and offer him a mop--let's see if YOU can do it better, muthafucka. But say anything about my cooking, and you've got a fight on your hands.

Tomorrow: lasagna. Take THAT, friend's unnamed girlfriend!

1 comment:

  1. s h i t! Not only do I have no one to cook for me, I don't even have food in my refrigerator. Ok - that is a lie - I went out today and bought some veggies and hummus. I made a meal out of that. mm...but eggplant parmesian or mm....spinach lasagna...that would taste really fucking good right now.. yes and lots of garlic too...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
