Friday, January 28, 2005

Okay, Now, Seriously

The weirdies are back.

My site meter, always a reliable source of entertainment, revealed that in the past few days, I have been linked to by people who searched for the following terms:

"WeatherScope Crack"--meteorologist in baggy pants? no clue...

"bitch trancejen"--hey now, she seems like a nice enough person to me...

"why should not we kill the dogs and cats in Greece"--I find it hard to believe that anyone thinks this is a question that needs an answer...but just in case, perhaps "because their English grammar is probably somewhat better than yours" might be a start.

"my blog is pink"-- DOES seem a little feverish...Do we have any baby aspirin?

"I fucked my daughter'/"I fucked my daughter's friend"--oh, THIS guy again. Honey, again I have to tell you: nothing to see here. I have neither daughters nor friends, and if I did I wouldn't fuck them. So you're barking up the wrong, wrong tree.

"WHY SPOUSES SPIT IN YOUR FACE"--dunno. Maybe you've got a smudge on your nose??

"albatross boinkers"--good lord.

"biggest male horny doctor medical checkup site"--again, good lord.

"reasons why I enjoy S&M"--see, this would NOT be a good day to get me started on THIS topic again. Just don't. Just please, for the sake of you and everyone around you, just don't.

And of course, eleventy-eight requests for more info about the K@rshner triplets, whom I mentioned exactly ONCE by name, approximately eight or nine months ago. I'm thinking of editing that post to de-K@rshnerize it, but that would rip out half my traffic, and my stats would make me sad. (The only thing that could kill my stats worse would be if I were to piss off Zorn, who mentioned me again in his blog today. That really, really NEVER gets old, that whole seeing-your-name-in-print thing. Unless you're Michael Jackson, maybe, which mercifully I ain't.)

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