Thursday, January 13, 2005


This pretty much sums it up, right here...

I was on the phone with my mom tonight, talking about my job. Specifically, that I'd just put in my application for transfer, because if I stay where I am much longer, I will do something really stupid--I know this already: that one day they will push me too far and I will just stand up and quit. I am so close to that right now.

So I was telling my mom about the position I'm trying for, and how unhappy I am with the situation where I am and how little respect I get.

"Well," she said, "think of it as a learning experience."

"Yeah," I said, thinking Yeah, that's a pretty positive way to look at it, thinking of all the stuff I've know, learned.

But she continued.

"Next time, just don't tell anyone your business. Just keep to yourself and do your job, that's all. Just don't tell them anything about your life."

WTF?? I think. "I don't think that was the problem here," I said.

"Well, I don't know. You never know how people are going to judge you. I mean, that's the world."

Let's dissect this for a moment:

Apparently, there is something so shameful about JUST BEING WHO I AM that it would be absolutely IMPOSSIBLE for people to treat me with respect, even in a professional environment and even if I did my very best, if they knew about whatever-this-shameful-thing was. And whatever it is, it's SO shameful that I must be very, very, VERY careful not to reveal ANYTHING about myself, so that this shameful shameful thing could never POSSIBLY come to light.

Good to know, ain't it?


  1. My mother's first thought when I told her that New Man (the lovely fellow I dated for a bissful month in November) had, out of the blue, announced he'd met someone else, was "Perhaps you came on too strong. And you were probably too neurotic. Even if you don't think you're being neurotic, people can see it in you."

    Which begs the question: is it us, our mothers, or this entire messed up little world of ours?

  2. Your mom and my mom should get together and harp on each other.

  3. Ursus--I know what SHE thinks she's talking about, of course. In her world, EVERYONE is as much of a bigot as she is and would react with the same horror as she does to my living situation.

    Ka--Oh, it's the moms. It's definitely the moms.

    Jen--Ooh, scary thought--'cuz you know, even if they did get together--the whole conversation would revolve around how bad WE are!!!

  4. Are you and I siblings?

    by Schmutzie
