Saturday, August 20, 2005

All of You, Stop It, Right NOW!

I would like to take a moment here to register my extreme pissed-offedness at a class of people who are rapidly joining ex-husbands and spammers in my "Hell's Too Good For 'Em" club:

...the people who are causing some of my favorite bloggers to stop blogging, change identities, move their blogs, or moderate their writing. I'm going to call these disruptive snerts "BlogFuckers".

In the past couple of months:

Firefly's blog got read by her ex, and she stopped blogging for a while, though she's back now and I'm glad she didn't let the asshelmet stop her.

YogaGrl has some real-life jerk making her self-conscious enough to "hold back".

Christine almost shut her blog down for good, thanks to some idiot(s) commenting on HER blog. She came back too, but she had to turn off anonymous comments.

Last week WorkingNob pretty much deactivated his blog, and the blog written by his girlfriend Incndnz and the blog the two of them co-wrote have been completely de-listed, thanks to some jackasses at his job who "stumbled" on Nob's blog and--RATHER than be honest about it--waited for the inevitable day when he mentioned one of them in a post.

And today I went to read Hyde's blog and found a change-of-address, e-mail-me-for-access notice. Dunno what happened there, but I can halfway guess.

I understand that blogs, like all else in this world, are transient, ephemeral things. And I respect the reasons that cause people to quit blogging: outside time constraints, maybe, or boredom with the medium, or any of the other billion things that might suddenly be more interesting or urgent. Sometimes people get too busy living life to write about it anymore--that's great for them!!!

What I can't understand are the people who feel the need to take it upon themselves to curtail another person's expression. I've read all the articles about "blogs can bite"--that was largely the reason I chose to use a pseudonym--but all these people blogged anonymously as well. I've been very careful not to reveal the existence of a blog to anyone who might then take it upon themselves to go looking for it (I told the Brit I had one, and if HE finds it I'm taking it as a sign) or to provide concrete, identifiable details that could reveal my identity to anyone I know who might find it. But I consider this MY space; I say what I want to say here, and sometimes I push the envelope a little. I have written things that I would prefer not to have the subject read (everything about my non-Brit ex-coworkers, for example, and most of the stuff about my family) but if they DID read those things, if they DID get offended by the things I'd written, I have to say I'd frame it as their problem, not so much mine. Not that I wouldn't feel bad for having offended them--I don't want to offend anyone I know personally, though I'm perfectly happy to piss off total strangers--but here's the thing:

If I were reading a blog and suddenly began to suspect that it belonged to someone I knew in real life, I would probably be tempted to read further to see if I was mentioned. That's human nature, I think (although I may just be an incurable narcissist). But if this person was writing under a pseudonym, I think I would also stop myself long enough to wonder if they WANTED me to read it. (After all--if they're not writing under their real name, and they never mentioned it to me directly, maybe it's not something they want to share.) And if, while reading this hypothetical blog, I chose not to err on the side of privacy and I continued reading, and discovered that I was mentioned negatively...I'd be pissed, sure, but I think I'd realize that -I- was in the wrong here, not the writer. (It would be different if the writer was a close friend--I'd wonder then why they hadn't talked to me directly, instead of talking badly about me in a blog. Friends are different from co-workers, casual acquaintances, etc.)

I've said this to more than one of my friends, and it holds true in this situation as well: If you don't want to know the answer, it's best not to ask the question. If you find identifiers of someone you know in a blog you haven't specifically been invited to read, you can stop reading. If you don't stop, you--not the writer!--become responsible for your reactions to what you read.

People who do keep reading, IMHO, forfeit their right to react to what they read--or at least, their right to react to it in a way that compromises the writer's willingness or ability to express their opinions. Picking a fight with them, or creating a "hater" blog, or leaving rude or threatening anonymous comments (these assholes almost ALWAYS hide behind "anonymous", don't they?), or telling details of the writer's real life which they haven't shared on the blog, or expressing their displeasure on their blog in ANY way--well, that right there is the definition of a BlogFucker.

And if you ask me, Hell's too good for 'em.


  1. This is what I like to see...the feistiness that is Gladys!

    I've noticed that this is an increasing issue...and I've struggled with it myself. I'm hyper-aware of the people that I have invited in and people who I have come to know in blogland, but I do feel that it is my sacred space for writing what is important to me. There may be things that I don't write there fully, but there are things I've never shared with a therapist either or my best friend. So there it is.

  2. BlogFuckers are everywhere. It's sad, really.

  3. Yes, Yes, a thousand times yes!

    Blogfuckers. I like it. I've been dealing with that since the first of the year. I just refer to them as 'The Family Scorned'. They won't let it die, and keep rehashing it and rehashing it. Just quit picking at it, people, let it heal over and leave me alone! Jeeesh.

  4. I never saw my blog as a personal diary so I don't write things I would not want my family to see. As for the rest of the world I guess as long as I keep within the laws of the country, I say fuck 'em all. Nobody stops me from writing not even law suits by disgruntled readers. Screw them. I hope your friends stay with there blogs. I for one will support them.

  5. My old rommates tried to BlogFuck me but I just posted a warning on my blog stating that if you don't like what you read to quit reading it. Heh.. Of course I don't have a job right now so its not TOO much of a worry. :)

  6. Thanks for the indigntation!

    I've been having major blog stress lately and I'm not actually sure what I'm going to do about it. I'm seriously considering reposting everything, although I haven't yet worked out all of the issues surrounding why I took the blog down.

    Blogging is a strange thing. I sometimes think about how bold and open I come across as "Hyde" when in my "real life" I am actually quite private and often shy. It's a scary thing to put yourself out there in public on the internet--an enterprise I'm not yet entirely comfortable with.

    Hope you'll read me again if and when I'm back up!


  7. Excellent post Gladys. Thank you for your support, but I'd never think of questioning your loyalty. The workingnob url is still under my control, while the workingnob blog is on a hiatus cypher coded url. This September the blog itself will be one year old. As of now I'm thinking the blog will come back under a new name, whether at a new url or the old one I do not know yet. Who knows I may keep it as an archive and forget about it. Honestly, I don't think about what happened at all. It's really too "high school" for me to expend any energy to bury or fuel it. I'm too busy and too involved with more productive activities.

    I'll see you around.

  8. I like that wording. "Blog Fuckers" I think that spammers should be included in the definition!

  9. you give it to 'em gladys! ha!


    blogfuckers indeed.

    ive been noticing a seperate but equally disturbing trend - a growing number of fave bloggers who started writing at the same time as me (a year back) but are becoming less frequent as appeal, time, lifes lessons etc. become less bloggable.

