Wednesday, August 10, 2005

R.I.P Aria, 1991-2005

Today I had to have one of my oldest friends put to sleep.

She'd been sick for some time, losing weight due to an overactive thyroid, and despite the pills I'd been wrestling into her since April, she was getting skinnier and skinnier. The vets said as long as she was eating and got checked every couple of months, it wasn't a worry. Then a couple of weeks ago she came down with pinkeye, so another medication got added to her collection. It didn't seem to be helping much either.

Last night I went into the downstairs bath and she was stretched out behind the toilet. I picked her up and she was just boneless, unresisting. I thought maybe she was just reacting poorly to the heat--the other four cats were in varying states of inertia as well--so I gave her her pill and put in her eye ointment, and put her down near the fan. Sometime during the night she made her way back to the bathroom, and this morning she was still there. I picked her up for her morning pill and she gave me that look. I'd seen the look once before, when my tabby was in the last days of his fight with cancer. "I've had enough," it said.

I opened a can of food and put it down next to her--nothing. She sniffed it once and licked it a little (and spat out the pill I'd given her five minutes earlier) and then just looked up at me. The boys were circling the dish, meanwhile, and she didn't even bother to hiss at them. (Aria had the best crunchy-hiss EVER. She could scare off burglars with that hiss, and she used it every chance she got.) This from a cat who, two days ago, would have ripped your fingers off for a scrap of food. A few days back we sat on the sofa together and shared a plate of spaghetti noodles, strand by strand, and I got nipped a few times for my generosity.

I went to work and called the vet immediately. I knew something was really wrong, and when I brought her in, I found out my worst suspicions were correct. The probable diagnosis was kidney failure, though they couldn't be sure without blood work. Regardless, she was a very sick kitty. "It would take a lot of time in the hospital and a lot of blood-work and treatments, and even then there's no guarantee," the doctor said.

She was fourteen years old. Even at the best, they said it might get her a couple more months, of questionable quality. They said without treatment she might not even survive the drive home.

I held her while the doctor gave her the shot, and told her she was a very good kitty, and petted the stripe between her eyes and thanked her for everything she'd been through with me. And she drifted off without a flinch or a whimper.

Aria was with me through some of the craziest times in my life. Firefly and I picked her out from a vet's office in our little college town, on my 21st birthday, a little handful of gray-and-white fur with what looked like a halo around her. Kitten aura, we called it; it certainly didn't signify an angelic nature, because she was a fluffy little demon.

When we moved back to our respective homes at the end of that summer, Aria came with me--my plans were more settled, or something. She was with me when I met JP, when I married David, when I left David, when JP and I moved in together. She sat like an Art Institute lion outside the bedroom door while JP and I lay dopesick in the heat. The night JP died, she broke out of the room we'd stayed in, and spent the next two days hiding under the bed in the spare room at JP's mother's house, til I came to claim her, Tiger, and my clothes. She was with me through move after move after move, through CR, through everything.

I'm not very good with death. It brings up unresolved issues, I guess. I'm sure there are those who would say "just a cat"...but that cat was, in many ways, the last link to a life I don't have anymore, and people who are gone. So yeah, I'm taking this kinda hard.

I got in the car and left a message for Firefly (Aria's "other mom") to call me; then I came home and kissed all the other stupid cats, even Cassidy, the biter.

Rest in peace, Aria. I'm really going to miss you.


  1. Oh Gladys, I don't even know where to begin. I've been through it with my own a couple of times in the last few years, and I know that "I've had enough" look.

    My heart goes out to you. It never gets any easier to do, and the pain comes back fresh and raw sometimes, but with time you'll realize you've done right by her.

    Treasure the pictures and the memories and remember that half of what made your relationship so special with Aria was you.

  2. Gladys, I'm so sorry. I lost one a few years ago and miss her to this day.

  3. I am weeping at the moment, both for your lovely baby and for my own, who is currently fit and healthy but is nonetheless 14 years old and mortal. I can't handle the idea - I stop people when they say "14? getting on a bit..." Anyone who says "just a cat" doesn't understand at all.

  4. O! Be gentle with yourself. That is very sad news.

  5. G, i am SOOOOOOO sad! i tried to just not let this one in/ to just not process it, but damn tears have started and won't stop. she was a living link to our college days that you and i shared. that being gone is a mind fuck that i can't even begin to deal with; i feel so sad and guilty that i didn't get up to see her before this. i miss her shiny beautiful coat and petting the stripe. my babygrrrrrrl..

  6. I'm so sorry. I lost my little girl on Tuesday. She'd been with me for 16 years and when I took her to the Vet he just told me, "she's a very sick kitty" and took her away. Told me he'd call me later. They kept her overnight and a few minutes before I called she died. It's such a sad week. I'm very sorry you had to go through it too.

  7. I am so very sorry for your loss. I lost one of my dogs to kidney failure a couple months ago. It's never easy losing a beloved pet. My heart goes out to you.

  8. Gladys - I'm so sorry for your loss. And no one on here had better say 'just a cat'. Be strong.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss! No matter what anyone says about cats, they are the most loyal creature a human can befriend.

    I had a little black cat named Whiskey with a former long-time boyfriend. She was diagnosed with hyperthyroid as well and we tossed the little white pill down her throat. When the asshole and I split up, he wouldn't let me take the cats - he "wrote the check" for them at the humane society. I found out several months later that Whiskey had died. I made some calls to her vet and the pharmacy and found out that he never refilled her perscription after I left. I've blamed myself for her sad death even though there was nothing I could do to get her short of stealing.

    I loved that cat more than anything else back then and mourned like I lost a child. I am so sorry you have lost yours.

  10. I can understand how you must be feeling. I had to put my Mommy cat to sleep (on election day, no less. First the bad news of dubs being selected and then my kitty has to be put to sleep).

    It hurt like I never thought it would. She was about your cat's age and just a sweetie. My condolences on your loss.

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's amazing how they become a piece of you.....

  12. I feel for you. I just lost a cat a few months ago and I really miss her. She was the best thing in my life. I still miss her even though I have other cats. I had her for 4 years and she helped my thru high school and my dad put her down when I went to get my hair cut. Everytime I think back on that day I wish I had done something different. It gets better when you are doing something, but when you stop it hurts alot. I have her pictures in my room and I talk to them as if she could hear me. I sometimes fell like she is watching me and it calms me down a little. It took a while for me to talk about her, but now I can keep a sentence with her name in it. Keep your head up it will become better and people will think you have moved on. My heart goes out to you.

  13. :( You made me cry with this post. Brings back memories of when I had to do the same thing with a friend I'd only had for a year and a half. *hug*
