Friday, August 26, 2005

I've Been Tagged!

Well, thanks to Ka, I have been hit with a flying meme. This is the "5-songs-you're-currently-digging" meme, and I am warning you all that it's not gonna be pretty.

The challenge: List five songs that you are currently digging - it doesn't matter what genre they are from, whether they have words, or even if they're not any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying right now. Post these instructions and the five songs (with artist) in your blog. Then tag five people to see what they're listening to.

"Remedy"--Seether: Because it ROCKS MY LAME ASS, that's why.

"Golddigger"--Kanye West
"And Then What"--Young Jeezy
"Sidewayz"--Paul Wall:
I'm lumping these three together as one choice because their explanations are all the same, and it's an extensive rationale.

First: this is what I hear at home.

Second: The current state of rock makes me want to weep hysterically and beg for someone who Gets It to come and save it. Rap at least has something VAGUELY authentic about it still.

Third: Most of my exposure to music right now comes in the car on the way to and from work. On the way to work, of course, there is nothing but morning-show crap on the radio.

(Warning: big tangent approaching!)

I have six presets on my radio. There's WXRT, which plays music but is yuppie-intensive. Not that I have anything against Rachel Yamagata or the White Stripes, but enough is enough sometimes. There's WZZN, which is the local rock station. They play SOME music in the morning but they also have Sludge and Brian, who routinely cause me to despair of the male half of the species with their constant humorless misogyny, largely directed at fat and/or ugly girls. Being fat AND ugly, I take this personally. Preset number three is Q101, which I love during most of the day but which is completely out of the question during morning drive thanks to Manc0w, who I loathe more than at least one of my ex-husbands. Preset number 6 is The Mix, an "adult rock" station which is barely tolerable during regular hours, but which is occupied in the early by "Eric 'n' Kathy", morning-drive pap of the most wretched sort. This leaves me presets number 4 and 5: Power 92 and WGCI. These are the "urban" stations. Power92 is the harder one, more rap, less R&B, and they have Boolu Master, possibly the best mix DJ I've ever heard in my life. WGCI is a little softer--more R. Kelly, more Usher, more slow jams. Both stations have some degree of goofy morning crap, but it's nowhere near as offensive to me as the Sludge and Brian or Manc0w stuff. There's no putdowns, or not as harsh; they're not as vulgar. (Not that I have anything against vulgarity, but I'm dead-set against incivil generalizations and mindless stripper jokes.) And this is the music they play. I like the Kanye song because no matter how evil it is, it's also true: there are people like that. The Paul Wall song is just fun, and Young Jeezy, besides having the best logo EVER, has also (intentionally or otherwise) copped the beat from Queen's "We Are The Champions". What's not to love? Besides the rampant drug-dealing references and lots of cussin', that is. (Oh, wait--that IS what I love.)

"Stay As You Are"--Span: I have never actually heard this whole song, and chances are good I never will; it's by a band from Norway with no deal in the States. But it's featured in a car commercial--until I went and looked it up, I wouldn't have remembered the brand of car, but it's apparently a Nissan XTerra. Anyway, I liked the sound of the song, and liked it even more when I read the lyrics.

"Hangin' By A Moment"--Lifehouse: Yeah, yeah, I know. Even I am occasionally susceptible to schmaltz.

"Pump It Up"--Elvis Costello: C'mon. It just rules. And it's a WAY better song-about-masturbation than that overrated "Turning Japanese".

And breaking with my streak of being Where Memes Go To Die, these are the five people I'm gonna tag:

Spinsterwitch dagnabbit, Swiss Toni got there first. :::sigh:::

Good luck, have fun, etcetera.


  1. Yay! Thanks for thinking of tagging me.

    I think you would totally dig Flypside (my fave Oakland band these days). That's all I'll say.

  2. woo! thanks for the tag. i will work on it this weekend. i haven't been tagged in months. i was beginning to think i smelled bad.

  3. Brando: ::sniff:: oh, that's YOU?? jeez, man. :)

    Actually, you're just the king of Where Memes Go To Die, so I'm thinking everyone's just given up on tagging you. But I have broken the spell; now meme-wielders shall descend upon you like pigeon-crap on an expensive statue. The good times are BACK, buddy!!!

    (Okay, I'm getting bizarre now; naptime for Gladys.)
