Monday, October 17, 2005

About That Question

Okay, so now that I have a collection of answers to the "do I seem sad to you?" question (which came to a consensus of "no--not really SAD, not as such"), I promised some background.

I've been talking for a while to another blogger. Without going into too much detail--for one thing, he reads this blog--he has a really bad situation going on. I'm amazed at the fact that he's handling it at all, let alone how well he's handling it; we talk on IM, when I'm online, and trade e-mails. Anyway, after reading one of my latest e-mails, he came back with an apology--he was sorry, he said, for being so self-absorbed and forgetting MY sorrow.

I was touched, for one thing, but mostly I was astonished--how could someone dealing with the stuff he's dealing with feel like he has to apologize to ME for being self-absorbed? And then I started to wonder: do I REALLY come off that sad?? I read back for a while, but it's hard to be objective about your own writings. So I figured I'd see what my readers thought.

I don't think I'm THAT unhappy. I mean, I'm not pleased with where my life is right now, in terms of job, living situation, and relationship; but that's circumstance, easily corrected. Well, fairly easily.

I just don't want to be one of those SAD people--people for whom nothing is ever right, people who are always miserable no matter how normal their life is. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't ALREADY that person, and who better to ask than the people who get all the piddly little details of my life??


  1. I can confidently say that you're not sad. You don't come off as sad to me. Sure, some of your posts may indicate some depression, but even that's different from sadness.

    A psychologist named Martin Seligman has done research on happiness and claims that everyone is born with a certain amount of happiness. One of his theories states that if something really great or really horrible happens, after 3 months that person will be at the same state of happiness that s/he was at before said event. According to his research, older people (say, in their 50s) are happier than younger people (20s) because they've either reached their goals already, or have come to rethink them in such a way that they're happy with where they're at. And it goes on.

    Anyway, I thought maybe the question had something to do with that. lol

  2. My $.02-

    I think that this person is just an incredibly cool person. It sounds like they are coping with a difficult situation, but even in talking to you and unloading their sorrows on a friends, they can see that there are other people in the world (including you) that have things that upset/bother/hurt them.

    Tell this person I think they are very cool. The fact that they see beyond their suffering to the suffering of others suggests they are really grounded and a really cool person.

    Tell then also, I hope things improve for them.


  3. I was going to say I thought you seem a bit sad, but then I re-read some of your posts and have come to a new conclusion: you are desparately seeking direction.

  4. Relax, Gladys. You're so NOT one of those sad people.

  5. I find it odd that you have to ask such a question. But my answer would be no you don't come across as sad.
