Tuesday, October 25, 2005

New Game!

I gotta thank Spins for this one, because...best new meme idea I've encountered in a WHILE.

The rules of the game are simple: when you leave a comment, include the following:
--the word-verification word provided in your comment window;
--a definition of that word, invented by you, and
--a sentence using that word.

For example--from the last comment I posted here:
tzehwdbs: the specific variety of goosebumps caused by discovering a crawling insect in the tub just as you step into the shower. That millipede really gave me a bad case of the tzehwdbs.)

Best definition wins.....um, something. The right to choose the subject of a future blog post, how 'bout that?


  1. etzrxn: (eh-teez-er-eckshin)An insurrection (battle) fought bar harem girls, lovelorn lasses and bar wenches in a fantasy novel.

    i.e. Ernest made sure there was a fine etzrxn in his NaNo novel "Legend of the Crystal Sword Part III; The Return of Elgorith"

  2. "iksaixm" (pronounce it as you like) - what happens to an anarchist when they realize that there really is at least one rule (that there are no rules).

    Although Star was iksaixm for several days, he was still able to pierce his own nipple before the show at Gilman in protest of the corporate conspiracy.

  3. gifnrnyj (gif-ner-nidge): the frustrated feeling one gets when pictures do not load on a web page.

    Naomi felt a surge of gifnrnyj when she opened her web page at work and the photographs she posted last night didn't load.

  4. pwczjl - (pwa-zijal) The technical name for the roadkill removal shovel.

    Boss to employee:

    "Bill, you forgot to clean off the pwczjl after work yesterday. This was the second time. I'm sorry, but we are going to have to let you go."

  5. Snnpqdob (sun-pak-dob)

    A little known theoretical technique thought to be able to permanently reverse the effect of the Earth's gravitational pull.

    "I'm sorry Dr. Evil but I can't create a state of snnpgdob, I'm afraid your plan to rule the world by making everybody else simply float away will not work...


  6. Zvkeqweu - pronounced ziv-KAY-qwee-oo) - the term used to describe the less than desirable blowout baby shits your kid takes at the most inappropriate moments, the kind of shits that require thirty-two baby wipes to clean up.

  7. "isnnltrf" (IZ-nl-turf): that spotty, patchy mix of grass, dead grass, and dirt which causes the mower to trail clouds of dust when you attempt to cut it.

    The neighbors' lawns were lovely, but ours was just a desolate stretch of isnnltrf.

  8. lrixk (la-RIK-skeh):the individual responsible for counting the pasties, thongs, and nipple-tassels at a high-class strip joint.

    The pay was poor, but Roger's part-time job as the lrixk at Le Chateau Amour had certain fringe benefits.

  9. Oh god, i am SO bored...

    ggawi (ga-GOW-ee): the unpleasant sensation that occurs when one is static-shocked on the lip.

    The cat bumped his nose against my face in the dry room. He meant it as affection, but it gave me a wicked ggawi.

  10. lqibqgz (LIK-wi-buk-giz): The puddle of cat-spit in which a hairball sits.

    Don't just pick up that mess; make sure to wipe up all the lqibqgz too.

    Going to bed now.

  11. ewyan (ee-yew-yawn) - the lurch of saliva that sometimes shoots out from under the tongue when one yawns.

    Suzi and her friends could hardly contain themselves after she yawned in class and hit Tim in the back of his head with the grandest ewyan any of them had ever seen.

  12. Ywobfv (yer-wob-eth)

    A facial expression used to relay confusion or disbelief.

    "Flash's face was a picture of pure ywobfv as he wondered what the purpose of pasties were in a strip club & if they were Cornish ones"
