Tuesday, October 25, 2005

News Nerd Blogs From Work--Sports Update

Apparently the Astros are not pleased with Major League Baseball’s plans to have the dome open during World Series Game 3 tonight.

(Full disclosure: GO SOX ! WOOHOO!)

Anyhow…The Astros feel that having the dome closed, which concentrates the crowd noise, gives them a home-field advantage. Which is possible, sure. But here’s what one of the Astros players said:

"I don't think they should step in and tell us what to do in our field, because it's our home-field advantage now," Game 3 starter Roy Oswalt said. "I think Chicago had their advantage there -- cold, windy. They've been playing in it all year; we haven't. So let's bring it back home and give the advantage to us now."

Italics mine.

Apparently Mr. Oswalt hasn’t spent much time here in Chicago this past season—one of the hottest and driest summers on record. How cold and windy weather, in such circumstances, constituted an “advantage” to the Sox players...Yeah, I’m thinking "not so much".

Personally, I think the Sox ought to INSIST that Houston management has its way in the Great Dome Controversy. That will make it so much sweeter when we spank them yet AGAIN.

Did I mention GO SOX!!!!?

(Further evidence that the Sox rule WAY more than the Astros—my spellchecker gladly accepts “Sox” as a valid word, yet balks at “Astros”. That, to me, says it all.)


  1. Whining babies :)

    But I'm going to have an issue if they sweep the Astros. 4 games is just not enough. I need my liver to REALLY suffer! :)

  2. GO SOX!!!

    And the Astros play the Cubs like 19 times every year since they're in the same division. On the one hand, they're glad they beat the Cubs to clinch a playoff berth on the last day of the season, but they don't want to play here in the World Series? Hey, they could have just lost to St. Louis.

  3. Go, Astros!!

    - A Minnesota Twins fan who misses AJ immensly and truly wishes the best for him, but just cannot bring herself to root for the Sox on the basis of their nasty comments in the past.
