Saturday, October 1, 2005

Well, Now You've Gone And Screwed It Up For Everyone

Reluctantly, I've had to turn on that hateful "word-verification" feature in comments. I think I'm the last one on the block to do it, but this is too much comment-spam for one day.

Buncha jerks...


  1. I'm actually amazed at some of the folks that don't have this yet and seem to be okay...Hyde, Flash...there are a couple more.

    I hope all is well...are you working on your book anymore?

  2. Some peoples lives are so empty that they have to find anyway to fill them up. Creating malice seems to be the dish of the day.

  3. I hate word verification, but I have to use it. There's too many comment spammers and I hate it. Using it, though, I haven't had any spam comments since I started.

  4. Yeah, I'm still funny-made-up-word less. I do however get a spam comment immediately after posting every post.
    Due to the spammer's rapid reply, I am still there to gleefully delete it, yay!

  5. I kind of enjoy being verified. It gives me a cheap thrill.

  6. I find the occasional remotely pronounceable word to be well worth the hassle.

    And, yes, Gladys, when are you going to post the next installment of your book? I don't know if you received my email of gasping praise, sent immediately after reading everything thus far through in one stretch, but it really is an incredible piece of work. Get on with it already.

    P.S. Gaqflis. See! Fun!
