Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Look Mommy! A Troll!!

To the anonymous commentor below--the one at,, running WinXP, who read a whole 2 pages and spent a whole princely 5 minutes, 9 seconds here before telling me "This is such a bad blog" and "I advise you to make it somewhat more interesting" in the comments section of the post below?

First issue: Nobody sent for you.

You don't realize this, because you've decided 5 minutes is sufficient time to judge my life experience and my ability--but people like you make people like me giggle. You're an insignificant worm. I may also be an insignificant worm, but at least I recognize it. At least if I'm critical of someone here, I put myself behind it--I don't hide behind "Anonymous". "Anonymous" is the security blanket for the infants of the blog world.

Or, to phrase it more commonly: Punk, next time leave your name.

And while I'm thinking of it--let's see YOUR blog, chief.

Also? Blow me.

Buh-bye now.


  1. Flash--thanks!

    I have my sucky moments, of course--this week, though it's got a nice pissed-off theme going, isn't my high point as a blogger--but then again, fuxit, it's not my high point as a human being, either.

    I don't mind criticism, even pointless criticism; I do mind it when they throw their spitballs from behind a tree. Ya know???

  2. that's the lamest thing ever. what a chickenshit cop-out. someone left me an anonymous criticism once as well, and i made a post out of it too! heh heh.

    actually it happened twice. one of them--Leroy Brown--even left an e-mail address. he didn't even criticize my blog--it was my old lifestyle which i no longer lead. i wasn't going to reply to his e-mail, so i decided to glorify his ignorant self by creating a post.

    stupid bastards.

  3. Um. I don't even understand why people would feel compelled to leave a comment like that. If you don't like my blog, stop reading and don't come back. Simple as that. If you do like my blog (and, Gladys, I do like your blog), then the nature of the public domain gives you the right to visit again whenever you wish. But be respectful, meathead.

    I've so far been troll-free, but I suppose it's just a matter of time. Assholes abound.
