Thursday, November 25, 2004

Obligatory Thanksgiving Post, Complete With Too Damn Much Info

Of course I'm thankful. Who wouldn't be?

I have a great guy, some amazing friends, a HOUSE!!!!, a couple of very-entertaining cats (and three loaves of bread with feet and whiskers); I have a mother who, though she drives me absofrickinlutely insane 95% of the time, is still alive and well enough to do so; I have a job which, though it causes the voices in my head to urge me toward violence, is stable and pays my bills--no mean feat in this economy. I have enough to eat and a roof over my head, and I'm not a Republican (as one of my former classmates phrased it at the reunion, "well, at least you've got THAT goin' for ya."). My brain still works, and my body still works (though not as well as my brain); and even though I loathe our current regime, I am still reasonably aware that I am the beneficiary of many things that didn't have to do with my personal effort in this world.

I've made a lot of stupid mistakes and survived them all, and learned from most of them. That, right there, is downright miraculous, to me.

But can I tell you something?

Absolutely CHIEF among things for which I am thankful today? Is this:

Last night, I finally got some!!!!!

Those of you who don't, can empathize; those of you who do, can remember how it was when you didn't. Now, stop trying to claw your eyes out to eradicate that image, and go eat your turkey. Or ToFurkey. Or lima beans, or whatever. Happy Thanksgiving, and enjoy!!!


  1. Hooray Gladys! Here's hoping it was everything you remembered it to be!

  2. OH yes, Gladys! Thanksgiving nookie is DEFINITELY something to rejoice over!!!
