Tuesday, November 23, 2004

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Snarky Bitchfest

It occurs to me that now might be a good time to say "Thanks."

When I started this blog I had no intention in the world of making it public. Too risky, I thought, and too self-indulgent--splattering my little personal issues all over everyone's eyeballs like spilled beer. Blogging? Not me--my preferred format was late-night ramblings in spiral notebooks. Or silence. The blog thing was just an experiment borne of being trapped at Mom's between the end of my lease and the closing date on my house.

I took it public because...well, why the hell not, you know? And I seriously had no intention of making it A Thing. But that's how bloggery happens: you write some stuff on your own, you post some comments here and there, and pretty soon people are reading, whether you expect them or not.

This past couple of weeks have been really validating for me as a writer (and as a person, too, a little.) One day I'm in messianic bitch-monster mode; the next day it's getting all accolade-y in here.

Thanks to Eric Zorn, who I KNOW I've dogged out a few times in this blog--hey, at least I'm not indifferent--for that really cool mention in the Notebook.

Thanks to Brian at Audience of 1 and Rich at CapitolFax, and the (late lamented?) Chillinois, for mentioning me in their blogs.

Thanks to Kevin at the CTA Tattler, who constantly posts even my most trivial CTA-based rantings.

Thanks to my cheering section: Barb, Katie, Ka, Jen, WorkingNob, Flash, Pisser, Yogagrl, Anonyboy, and all the various anonymi (except Troll-Boy)--for keeping my comments section active.

Thanks to Firefly for keeping me off the bus. (No, not "the bus"--the BUS. Oh, nevermind.)

Thanks to everyone who linked me, even though Google won't tell me who all of you are...All the names above come to mind, along with the Positively 18th guy and the Neighbor of the Hoors, and probably a hatful of others who I'm not remembering because it's the end of the day and 2/3 of my brain is concentrating on HOME!

And thanks to everybody who read but never commented, or who just breezed through, or who found me on an unrelated query and thought "hmmm..." (or whatever it is that people think when they stumble across something like this blog when they were only trying to find out what's worse than dopesickness, or stories about horny sisters, or naked pictures of the Karshner triplets. Sorry I couldn't help, guys--but I'm hoping you enjoyed the trip regardless.)

I'm starting to realize that yeah, maybe I could do more with this than I have been. "This" meaning....not sure. The blog, maybe, or my writing, or maybe my life. Or all three at once.

I owe all of you above-mentioned individuals and groups a debt of gratitude, for that realization alone. So: thanks, all of you.


  1. Gladys:

    You're very welcome. It was my pleasure to link to such a gifted writer. Your blog is a must-read for me and I suspect for a lot of others as well!

    Thank YOU for sharing of yourself, your life, and your stories.
