Thursday, November 4, 2004

News Briefs

1. I got home from work at 8:30 tonight. I have not left work less than an hour late any day this week. I worked from home on both of my vacation days, and took no less than 11 calls from the office on Monday. I hate my job.

2. Remember the story of why I want to kill RuthAnne? Remember the part where, when I objected to the Thanksgiving deadline, I was told "this is the timetable we decided on for the database upgrade, and this is the timetable we're sticking with?" Today I got a call from Samuel--the database designer, the one responsible for the upgrade. And he said "You know, I'm starting to think we're taking this a little too fast...what do you think about doing the upgrade in January?" I hate my job.

3. Day 20 of Gladys Held Hostage: Cats On Parade. Got a voicemail from Tim, the cats' person. Tim has blown off two job interviews now and "just hasn't had time" to get in touch with a third guy. Furthermore, one of Tim's cats may be sick. I can barely afford to take my OWN sick cat to the vet--I'm certainly not in a position to take responsibility for HIS sick cat. Tim, although he didn't bother to call me back as he said he would, and thus doesn't know this yet, now has until the day after Thanksgiving to get his shit together and show some fucking responsibility before I give his cats away to someone who will care for them properly. I am done with Tim.

4. The novel is in a holding pattern. I keep trying to work on it and I keep not getting home til after 7 PM, whereupon other things are required of me--eating, bathing, and sleeping, mainly; although on Election Night one of LJ's friends, Damian, came by to watch basketball and crash on our couch, and we ended up talking and watching election returns til about 1 AM. Damian and I ended up talking, I mean--LJ sat on the sofa and bagged weed and remained, as always, silent. I think he might have been a teeny bit jealous, though....and, I'll admit, he probably wasn't entirely off-base in that regard. Damian has that whole angry-young-man thing going on, a little streak of revolutionary, whereas LJ is more of a take-it-as-it-comes kind of guy. And I've gotta admit, I've always had a soft spot for revolutionaries. But LJ's my man, and I wouldn't risk that for anything. He's really come through lately, in terms of letting me in on his ideas and schemes--though he's still one of the least-conversational people I've ever met--and I'm happy with what I've got.

5. Did I mention that I hate my job? Oh, wait--yeah, I did. Well, I hate my job. So I've mentioned it again.

6. re: the events of Tuesday: WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU PEOPLE THINKING??? That's all I'm gonna say, and I'm turning off the Commander-In-Chimp everytime I see his smug mug on my screen. I've gotta live with the results, but I don't hafta LIKE them.

I should be back to my normal bloggery by Saturday...

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