Monday, September 5, 2005

Bizzarro World

So LJ the Amazing Emotionless Man, who spent the long weekend out of state for reasons unknown; LJ, who woke me up on my day off at 8 AM by ringing the doorbell because I'd locked the deadbolt in his absence and didn't know he'd be back so early; LJ who then left ten minutes later: just sent me this text message.

"i miss u boo. i'll talk 2 u later, i got 2 hustle baby."

Around here? That's like Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare's Sonnets all rolled up together.

And though I wonder what's behind all this...yeah, I'm still charmed.


  1. Guys don't always express their feelings the way women would like. So we take what we can get and we really are happy.

  2. I hear ya. But I've had bad experiences with guys who write sonnets, so now I prefer those with few words.

  3. I go away a couple of days and there is a flurry of blogging from you.

  4. I didn't realize it til you mentioned it and then I looked back--dang, I WAS bloggy this weekend!

  5. And, remember, this is a good thing.
