Sunday, September 11, 2005

Wasted Weekend

What a total waste of a weekend.

The object lesson for this weekend may well be "Do not go out on Friday night and have margaritas with the girlies." That may be fun, but productivity goes to hell when you don't wake up til noon and can't too much look at food for a few hours after.

I was going to paint the front porch. I got as far as washing it down and then I realized: it was like 100 degrees out there. So--no. Just no. I do not do 90+ degree heat, unless by "do" you mean "sit in front of a fan with a series of Pepsis, 'Airline' reruns, and a cold towel on my head".

And so that's what I did. All weekend long, mostly. Didn't even do laundry or run the vacuum, both of which I intended to do. The vacuuming is more pressing than the laundry, really--I have several days worth of clothes, but White Cat has pissed off every other cat in the house--and unlike Whitey, they have all their claws. (Whitey is the last cat I'll ever declaw, even partially--he'd have all four except CR didn't want to be scratched.) So there are tufts of white fluff everywhere, from where he got bitchslapped repeatedly.

Which is remarkably how I feel when I think of having to go back to work tomorrow. I haven't blogged much about New Place Where I Work, largely because I've got no real concrete REASON to dislike it as much as I do, other than that it's filled with Republicans and the unconscious. Chicagoans will understand: it's a very, VERY South-side place, and not in a good way.

I really am a malcontent, aren't I? but....not where I want to work, not really what I want to do. I think I'd have the same problem almost anywhere I worked, right now; I'm not happy with my career choice, and I'm too scared to pursue what I really want to do. (There, I said it.)

And til I'm NOT scared: Monday-Friday, 8:30-5:00. :::sigh:::


  1. I understand completely. I thought changing jobs would solve everything, but instead it was more like, out of the frying pan and into the fire. I've been here a year and I now have concrete reasons why I dislike it so much. And if I were to go somewhere else, I'm betting I'd be just as unhappy but without real reasons. What I really would like, is to be one of those ladies of leisure you see having causual lunch at the fancy schmancy restaurants with their friends, drinking cocktails at noon with shopping bags piled all around them. That's what I want...I want to be like them...what should I have studied in college to get that gig?

  2. For different reasons (babysitting 5 kids in someone else's house) my weekend was pretty much the same & I still need to vac too!

  3. Heat can suck the life out of you. I'll be so happy when fall comes.
