Friday, July 30, 2004

"Bob the Plumber" Update

Yesterday: "Well, see, Dave called me and he said 'Seriously, I ain't tryin' to jerk you around or anything' and he PROMISED that i can pick him up around noon tomorrow and we can go out there...I mean, I'm not even WORKING right now, I've got nothing else to do, but I don't want to go in there and fuck up your house--'scuse my language--because I know YOU don't want that and besides, I've only got fifty grand worth of insurance. So I have to wait on him....but we will definitely be out there tomorrow and I'll call you when I get there."

Today: "I called Dave and he says we can go out there tomorrow, around 10 or 11...What time do you get up??"

I think, in the world of Bob the Plumber, the week has exactly one day. That day is "tomorrow".

(Do you know what a force of will it is taking me, at this moment, not to make an egregious "Annie" reference??? Well DO you??)

No takers, yet, on my Bob the Plumber when's-he-gonna-show-up pool. Maybe if I throw in a bonus--if you can name the excuse for a given day, you get double your money....

Maybe this weekend I'll go home and build something. That sounds like fun.


  1. CLICK! the light-green-alien on INDEX. I din't write the Rules, friend. YOUR choice with free-will, YOUR demise in this Finite Existence. God bless you with discernment.

  2. I see the 'light green alien' bastard got you too...


  3. The "Light-Green-Alien" Bastard.

    EEEEEyyyup. The world just keeps gettin' wackier and wackier.

    I SO need a nap.
