Sunday, July 18, 2004

Things On My BlogRoll Which You Really Oughtta Look At

CTA Tattler: This blog has become near and dear to my heart, simply because I spend so much time on the CTA myself. The buses and trains are among the most fertile grounds for people-watching; my problem is, I can't stand 99% of people. But you still hear some funny stuff.

Anonyboy: My first mention in someone else's blog!! His is a blog sort of along the lines of my own, and it's NEW, so everybody should go visit it and support fledgling bloggers everywhere.


My Cat Hates You: Not strictly a blog, yet it still rocks my lame ass.


The Pits: The best NASCAR cartoon I've ever seen. (Also the only NASCAR cartoon I've ever seen--but that's not the point.)



1 comment:

  1. Fledgling bloggers of the world unite!! Thanks for the reciprocal mention on your blog, Gladys. I look forward to following the adventures of my first official blogging bud!! :) --Anonyboy
