Wednesday, July 28, 2004

"Bob The Plumber" Watch

Sunday: "I'll be there tomorrow, me and Norm."

Monday: "Me and Norm will definitely be there tomorrow around noon."

Tuesday: "Okay, so Norm kinda hemmed me up, and so I went and talked to a couple of other guys, and there's this guy Dave? He's a retired carpenter, got his papers and everything, been doin' this 30 years...Anyway, we'll be out there tomorrow...he's an early bird, so we're gonna be out there early."

Today: "See, Dave kinda cancelled out on me...But he promised we'll be out there tomorrow morni....Okay, I'm not gonna say 'morning' but he wants to be out of there before rush hour, so we'll be there kinda early."

I will be glad to take any and all bets in a pool as to when, exactly, Bob and Dave will show up.


  1. It won't help you now, but try using out of work theatre techs for your next project- they are cheap, punctual, on time, happy to have the work, and high quality. Oh, and they are used to working on a schedule...


  2. At this point, ANYTHING is a help.

    I'd hire Magilla Gorilla if he promised to be there when he said he would.
