Sunday, July 10, 2005

Just Weird, Maybe In A Good Way

So this morning I logged into my e-mail and there was something there I didn't recognize. The subject line was "I probably ought to let sleeping dogs lie, but..."

I had read through half the message before I realized who it was from. And then I yelled "Oh, no fuckin' WAY!" loud enough to send the cats running and get a quizzical look from Tim.

Shortly after CR left, I put a personal ad up on Yahoo. And early in the process, I got an e-mail and a pic from Possibly The Hottest Man Ever. Seriously. This dude was not fine--he was FOINE. He was...yummy. Like as in, I'll take two of those to go, please.

So PTHME and I corresponded for a couple of months, during which he was slightly alarmed by my heroin history--"not sure I can deal with that", he said, which...whatever...but he finally decided he wanted to meet me when he was back in town (he was originally from Chi, but was away at school in Wisconsin somewhere.)

That meeting goes down in my personal history as one of the greatest ideas ever. Let's just say that after dinner, he was invited back to my apartment at the time. And that, in true invited-back-to-the-apartment fashion, one thing led to another....ohhhh, man, did it ever.

(If you sense a bit of drooling in my prose? You are not imagining things.)

And so he left the next morning, and I went back to work with a biiiiiiiiig grin, and he was supposed to leave two days later and I figured I'd seen the last of him for at least a while. And then the night before he was supposed to leave, I was sitting around feeling fairly sorry for myself, when guess who tapped at my apartment window?

THEN he left, the next morning. And we halfway, sorta, kinda stayed in touch for a while, though he made it clear that he wasn't looking for a relationship; then one day I e-mailed him that I was buying a house on the West Side. The reply I got was not what I expected; it was a litany of all the horrible things I could expect to endure living in this neighborhood--and, he claimed, he knew just what he was talking about, since he used to be a cop in a neighborhood just like this. In fact, his reply to that e-mail was instrumental in my decision to create this blog. And I never wrote back to him after that.

Well, today: pop into my head every now and then, and I
wonder where you are, and how you are doing. I also
remember how much of an ass I was to you. I never
apologized for it, and knowing you, especially after
all of this time, you don't need it. For what it's
worth, I am sorry, and I have been for a long time.

Anyway, I hope this letter finds you well, and if I
don't hear back from you, take care of yourself.
Believe it or not, you did make a positive impression
on me.

Just....weird. Weird weird weird weird weird.

Also, :::drool:::.

(Hey, what can I say? I'm only human...and in the grip of yet another drought. All other considerations aside, I wouldn't mind another little visit along those lines...NO, I'm NOT being fickle...Stop looking at me like that, all of you! I mean, damn.)


  1. So, What's stopping you Gladys?

  2. I think you should write back. It sounds like some fun in the making!

  3. Oh, I e-mailed back, all right. Told him about the house, and the new job, and how I'd thought of him just the other day (and not in the context of being an ass, either...)

    I did not, however, mention LJ. There was simply no good way to bring him into the conversation; I mean, I certainly didn't want to make it sound like everything was all rosy and happy, because a) what fun would THAT be?? and b) telling lies makes Baby Jesus cry.

    And there's no way to NOT sound like a total 'ho when you say "I have a boyfriend, yeah, but he totally neglects, when did you say you were going to be in town??"

    We'll see what happens.

  4. Woot for you, I'm totally jealous that you get PTHME... So unfair...

    I'll just echo what the others said.

  5. Gladys you cant't write about those things in your blog you're going to have half the female population green with envy. As for my feelings Love to see a woman that knows what she wants and goes out and gets it.

  6. Oh yes, I forgot. About the total Ho thing. A guy in your position wouldn't think twice. Having said that repeating a great sexual experience may not turn out like the first time. However everything gets better with practice.

  7. So, did you write back to him yet?

  8. "telling lies makes Baby Jesus cry"

    Oh dear, but that is funny!

  9. And giving did it go?

  10. when do we hear about giving notice? i'm dying to read about that.
