Tuesday, July 5, 2005


He (It's not a good sign, is it, when I say "he" and it's just sorta implied that "he" is probably NOT the "he" I live with, because why would I be writing about HIM?)--anyway, he was very impressed with the book--even offering substantive praise/criticism, which I just love (especially, if we're going to be perfectly honest here, when it's coming from a hot guy I wanna screw.) And yes, to those of you inclined to notice such things (as I am), I am aware that it is now a month since I last updated. Two weeks of that time doesn't count, though, since I was grossly and violently ill.

I'm working on it, y'all. And if I wasn't, I am now.

Other than the Brit--my usual bright spot--this day was completely and utterly for shit. You know what I did at work today? I sat in meetings, or dealt with the results of said meetings, for six and a half hours. Which I will NOT get back, in case you're wondering; they're lost forever to the mists of time and bad fortune. Worse, they were meetings about the infernal database, which remains a clusterfuck of inhuman proportions. Six and a half hours of "why doesn't it work?" "I dunno...it just doesn't." And tomorrow doesn't look much better. No news on the job, either...It's a good thing I'm a patient woman. But if I don't get THIS job, I will not be happy.

The best thing about today? It's Tuesday, not Monday. Which means that Friday will come one day earlier, thank god. The other best thing: my skinny jeans are getting to be too big for me...although if I keep eating like I did today, that trend is gonna reverse in a big blazing hurry.

I'm a little afraid of what I'm putting on the Brit, in my own mind. I have to remind myself to be very, very cautious and not expect...well, anything, yet, but even if there ever comes a time when I CAN expect anything, not to expect the past to repeat itself. I think that's part of the reason I've confined myself to guys like CR and LJ--the unconscious type; I'm afraid if I get a conscious one, that I might chase him away with the weight of too much hope. And the Brit most certainly is a conscious one...

God, I'm such a mess. (shrug) At least I recognize it.


  1. Of course, he liked it. It's good work. So, uh, maybe if you got used to being around the concious guys, then you wouldn't have this huge weight you carry around with you. You do realize that you deserve the best in a relationship, don't you?

  2. It takes a conscious man to wake us strong women up sometimes.
