Sunday, August 15, 2004

Farewell and Goodnight...WOW!

Tomorrow at work is going to be OUTRAGEOUS.

See, my boss Beverly just called me to get some help with a computer problem (yeah, that happens a lot) and said "Have you checked your e-mail recently?" Figuring I was about to get skewered, I said "um, no....not since Friday..." and cringed for the inevitable repercussions...Instead she just laughed, and said "Tasha wrote a nasty e-mail."

Tasha's last day was Friday. She worked in the Revolving-Door House--the house led by RuthAnne, which has seen at least 15 people quit over the past two years--as opposed to the house I work in, which has lost three people in that same time period. Just the week before, Joseph, who was Tasha's officemate and one of my closest buddies at work, had HIS last day. (Admittedly, he's only leaving because his boyfriend got into Harvard Law and Joseph's going with him--but he wasn't sorry to leave, I can tell you that!)

So--as you might imagine--the absolute INSTANT I got off the phone with Beverly, I checked my work mail. Beverly had said "Well, she didn't mention YOU, specifically, but she mentioned a bunch of OTHER people...." so I was expecting the worst...

My imagination did not TOUCH what was actually there. My imagination, in fact, was not even in the same ZIP CODE as what Tasha actually wrote. I mean, that girl threw DOWN.

First of all, she cc'ed everybody. She cc'ed people who used to work there and quit; she cc'ed someone in HUMAN RESOURCES, for god's sake. (This is a huge employer, but somehow the HR people seem to know an awful lot about the ins and outs of our little 40-person department--because we have so many problems.) She cc'ed TOTAL STRANGERS--I think they were friends of hers. But the list was enormous.

Second of all: what she wrote.


She ripped on so many people. (The fact that she was right in most cases doesn't hurt.) She voiced the same criticisms of RuthAnne that everyone has been saying for the longest--that she has no management skills, that she can't handle employee conflicts, that she never gives encouragement. She ripped on Nancy, the marketing person, saying she runs to Beverly every time there's a conflict and has no creative skills at all; then she talked about some "bully" who gives the silent treatment--I THINK that's Joanie, but it's not entirely clear.

Essentially the whole message was "Goodbye and good riddance, and I feel sorry for those of you who are staying..." Beverly sent a message in response, saying that "constructive criticism is always welcome"--which just made me giggle, because of course it's NOT.

The real fun, though, will be tomorrow. I can already hear the clucking of thirty-seven agitated hens, and a couple of pissed-off roosters.

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