Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Why I Stopped Being A Poet

Village Voice article

Would anyone care to translate this into Non-Pretentious?

Here's a sample:

"In a post that asked "Is this paradise?" Gordon presented unmanipulated spam containing the musical observation that "Any sky can of, but it takes/a real foulmouth to nearest antimony over." Five points if you hear e.e. cummings's "anyone lived in a pretty how town," 50 if you hear the torqued splendor of Clark Coolidge's "Solution Passage."

Now, I'm a fan of spam poetry. Some things I am NOT a fan of, unfortunately, are academia, reductionism, and self-importance--all of which this article gushes in bucket-loads.

And then it stops even making sense, at least in any language I've ever encountered:

"Flarf began in 2000 or 2001 when Sullivan entered a deliberately offensive poem in a scam poetry contest. ("I got fire inside/my "huppa"-chimp(TM)" is, possibly, the only quotable passage.) From id-stoked overhearings more than a little derivative of Bruce Andrews's "I Don't Have Any Paper So Shut Up" ("If pods could talk—so, how/about a sperm-a-thon?"), the movement made the switch from finding to seeking when Gardner (Sugar Pill) went to Google to see what the deliberately misspelled "Rogain bunny" search would yield. Gardner explains: "If you have a Googled/cut up poem that still has most of its social filters set too high, it may be interesting poetry but it's probably not flarfy." "

To which Gladys replies: "...the FUCK???"

Anyway. It's almost time to go home, so I'm gonna leave that crap-a-roni to you, readers, and go read Savage Love.

1 comment:

  1. Ya KNOW we love the Savage Love.

    But who ever said the Voice was anything more than pretentious academic slackers who can afford to live in Manhattan while making intern wages? Me? Naaaaw, man, not me.
