Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Sneaking Up On One Thousand Hits

Remember when you were about seven years old and on a family trip, and your dad told you that the car was about to roll over ten-thousand miles (or thirty-, or fifty-, or a hundred-thousand?) Remember leaning over the back seat and watching the odometer go from 9999.9, very s-l-o-w-w-w-ly, to 10000.0?

Well, everybody, lean over the back seat--we're coming up on our one-thousandth hit!! Not bad, for a blog that's only been out in the world since May 11th. (I would like to thank Anonyboy, Ursus from Standing Bear, and Katie from Serial Blogonomy for their links--and Anonyboy gets special props because he clued me in on the two magic words which have been responsible for an unbelievably high percentage of my recent web traffic!!! And Kevin at the CTA Tattler has given me more gratuitous mentions than I know what to do with--every time I'm pissed-off that LJ has the car and I have to take the train, I think "yeah, but there could be a good blog post in here too!")

You guys rule!! Everybody watch the odometer.....


  1. You're welcome, Gladys ;). I've actually deleted the specific reference to the K-guys out of a bit of guilt, but it hasn't stopped various other searches on the subject which still land people over on my blog. Oh well.

  2. You know, I've thought about de-K'ing this blog, too. Then I think, but I'll miss the traffic so much.Greed for web hits outranks guilt every day.
