Saturday, August 28, 2004


From Reality News Online:

"The combination of fentanyl and alcohol has been referred on the club scene as a "Las Vegas Cocktail" in the suddenly-burgeoning prescription drug black market. Six to eight months ago, the "Las Vegas cocktail" was a blend of OxyContin and Soma, a prescription muscle relaxant. Now, the "cocktail" has morphed into a combination of Soma, Viagra and Fentanyl--a raspberry-flavored lollipop that delivers a narcotic commonly considered to be 80-100 times more powerful than morphine. Add a little cocaine, as is common, and you have a potentially lethal concoction that Detective Paul DeAngelis told the Las Vegas Mercury, "will (a) keep you up all night and (b) probably make your heart explode." DeAngelis is a Southern Nevada Pharmaceutical Narcotics Enforcement Team member..."

Now, the little siren on my ex-junkie Drug Enforcement Bullshit Meter is going "woop woop woop" as I read this.

Let's look at what they say is in the "cocktail".

1. Soma: A prescription muscle relaxant. Depressant.

2. Viagra: Prescription to keep horny old men horny. Stimulant.

3. Fentanyl: Opiate-based painkiller--MAJOR depressant.

4. Cocaine: Well, cocaine! Stimulant.

According to this, technically, cocaine is an "extra" in this mix--not always present. So what we have here are 2 major respiratory/cardiac depressants and one stimulant--but the stimulant isn't a "traditional" stimulant.

I have a great deal of experience with opiates. Anything as powerful as they say fentanyl is would knock your ass out. Something that powerful would counteract almost any stimulant; unless you took about a ton of cocaine, there's no way this mix would "keep you up all night," as this DEA pawn puts it...As for "making your heart explode"--again, unless you're just POUNDING the cocaine into your nostrils, the fentanyl's gonna win.

If you read the whole article, though, it doesn't say the guy took soma, cocaine, Viagra, or anything other than fentanyl and vodka. Again from experience: a bad idea. Nevermind the rest of it...if you combine any substantial quantity of opiates with any substantial quantity of alcohol, your ass is just dead--and it really doesn't matter WHAT the hell else you mix it with. (I once had to call 911 on Tim, back in the early days of our roommate-hood, when I was still getting high; he talked me into sharing my fix but neglected to mention that he was on the far side of a six-pack at the time. He did his shot, and it took about 20 minutes before I realized: he wasn't nodded out, he was slowly turning blue. After the paramedics came and hit him with the Narcan, and once we were at the hospital, he actually bitched me out for saving his life. Tim is SUCH a drama queen.)

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