Monday, October 18, 2004

Cats, Cats, CATS!

Did I mention? I have five cats now. My two, and Tim's three.

And one of them--not sure which one--has BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD kitty-gas.

I cleaned the box. Both of them. But my living room still smells like cat-farts.

And I have a cold--so if I can smell it, you KNOW it's funky in here.


  1. yeah, cute as she is, Hopper takes shits like a truck driver. haha. that's what Brian says, anyway.

  2. I have two cats and unfortunately one doesn't know how to cover her shit up! Her ass is especially pungent. Last night my roomate asked me if I cleaned out the litter box (we live in a really small two bedroom) and I told her that I had. And she replied with "Oh, it must be left over"... sinus's are shot anyway

  3. Whitey has that same thing--he's got no manners and EXCEEDINGLY foul intestines.

    He also has a catastrophic attitude at the moment--I let the Three Amigos out of the back bedroom, where they've been acclimating, for about ten minutes tonight. The entire ten minutes was punctuated by a low whining moaning GROWL directed at the universe in general and Cassidy, Sosa, and Mikey in particular. He should remember Cass--they DID live in the same house, briefly, during his kitten days--or maybe he DOES remember Cass, because THAT was who got his growliest growls.

    Anyway, I'm thinking it might be a REAL good idea to keep the two rival crews of cats separate for the duration--I'm really not trying to hear that evil sound he makes!!!

  4. I bet if you keep introducing them they will eventually get along and form one giant grooming cat ball.

  5. Which would probably happen at the exact moment that Tim decides he wants his kitties back. And then I would have a very depressed White Cat.

    Poor kitties. People with no stability should really not own pets.
