Thursday, October 14, 2004


I have a lot to do this weekend.

1. Clean this miserable house. It would be less miserable if it was clean; however, it would be cleaner if it was less-miserable. It's a vicious cycle, and I can't really get inspired to SERIOUSLY clean until I'm no longer living in a construction zone.

2. Go through my bills and make an HONEST inventory of my finances. Being broke has a bad effect on me; I tend to go into a mild state of denial around the 10th of the month, once the main bills are paid. I stop opening the mail; I try not to think about the other bills, the ones that aren't getting paid. Every so often, guilt-ridden, I get very organized, go through all the bills, and look at where I really am, instead of where I wish I was.

3. Gather all the documentation for my lawsuit against Bob the Plumber. Incidentally, I would like to take this opportunity to provide you all a public service: MidAmerica Bank is a bunch of crooks and you should run as fast as you can in the opposite direction. Do you know how much they want for a copy of a cancelled check, front and back? $7.50. PER CHECK. I need eight cancelled checks for this lawsuit--and I wouldn't need ANYTHING if they actually sent my checks back in the statement--the way they USED to do, when they were MidTown Bank, before they got bought out.

4. Do the writeup for my Attorney General's complaint against B the P. I think I might even get Target 5--the consumer-affairs arm of the local NBC affiliate--into the story.

5. Make my business plan for my holiday business.

That's right, boys and girls: Gladys is going into business. I'm going to start it out as just a seasonal thing, but if it works out, who knows?

And what, you ask, might this business venture be?

Caramel corn. The best, most delicious caramel corn you have ever encountered.

This started two years ago, actually. My first Christmas at my job, I figured it would be a very good idea to make a good impression; and what better way to make a good impression than by bringing a ton of homemade yummies into the office on the last day before the holidays? So I baked. I made spritz cookies and fudge and lemon bars and raspberry-oatmeal bars and these wonderful, WONDERFUL chocolate-caramel sugar cookies which barely made it out of the house because I couldn't keep my paws off them. And everyone was duly impressed.

Being a glutton for praise, I did it again the next year, with a few variations, and one of the variations was the addition of caramel corn. Well, Beverly (the boss) glommed onto that caramel corn, and at the end of the party I told her she could take the leftovers home to her husband and daughters.

So last October, she tells me "I want to give that caramel corn as gifts this Christmas. I'll pay for materials and you can charge me whatever you want over and above that." I didn't quite know what I was getting into--I believe the final count was twenty-three batches, hand-delivered to her house in two big lawn-and-leaf-sized Hefty bags by my mom (who lives WAY closer to Beverly's house than I do.) But everyone raved about it--in fact, her husband, who is a dentist and should know better, issued a veto order against one of the planned recipients, and kept THAT basket for himself! I didn't make a huge profit, of course, but then again I would have charged more if she hadn't been my boss!

And it got me thinking. If I had a better space for the production end of it--a rental kitchen, in a church or a school or something, and facilities to do a lot of popcorn at once--I could sell it in little gift baskets--you know, for teacher gifts and the like. And I think I could do a pretty good business, provided I didn't price myself out of the market...

The thing is, this stuff is GOOD. Buttery and rich and just...yummy. :::pause as I wipe my chin:::... If I could give out some little samples, I'd absolutely get some business. And god knows I travel through enough of the city that delivery wouldn't be much of an issue...

I think I could do this. And this weekend, I'm going to figure out how.


  1. Damn you, Gladys! You'll be sending me some of that caramel corn, right?? ;-)

  2. So, do you need a business partner? Or would that violate the whole no-one-can-figure-out-who-I-am rule?

  3. 1. is there anyone to help you with the housecleaning? i don't know your household situation, but maybe you can delegate?

    2. i used to be in charge of this but when i sank into a depressive episode last year, Brian had to take it over. i totally know what you mean, though. honestly, i haven't opened mail in about a year unless it's something i got from e-bay or, heh, birthday cards.

    3. does your bank post the cancelled checks online? not that i'm recommending Bank-One-One Is a Joke in This Town, but they display them there. do any banks even send cancelled checks out anymore?

    and what a bunch of highway robbers. $7.50 PER CHECK??? i should start my own damn bank.

    4. definitely call Target 5. these scammers need to be exposed. it pisses me off when businesses take advantage of innocent consumers. as if the big corporate banks aren't bad enough. i'll be pulling for you, foshizzle.

    the only downside to Target 5--and a very minor downside at that--is Lisa Parker. god, i can't stand her. nice bleach job and fake tan, Lisa. oh, maybe it's just the settings on my TV.

    i liked Dave Savini, especially after he finally got a decent haircut. then he had to be a traitor and go to CBS. ok, ok, i'll stop.

    5. w00t!!! put me down on your list! maybe you can set up a PayPal account. i have one for my LEGO shop so if you have questions, just ask!

  4. OOh! Comments! yummy....

    Jen: Of course. Plus shipping and handling... ;)

    Michael: I'm not quite at the "business partner" stage yet. In fact, I'm not quite at the "has a clue of what ANY of this entails" stage. But I thank you for the kind offer and I'll keep you in mind when I'm looking for a venture capitalist and/or planning my IPO...

    Barb...ooh! a point-by-point! (And people say I don't like organization.)

    1.LJ, darling though he is, has a firm grasp of two of my unfavoritemost household tasks, which he generally does without any prodding at all. These are: the dishes and the trash. Having been with :::counting on my fingers:::: several other men, only one of whom had the mental aptitude and/or willingness to do even THAT much, I am loath to screw up this perfectly lovely arrangement by suggesting that he sweep, dust, vacuum, or scrub a tub. I'm glad he does as much as he does!!

    2. See #1. Besides....Well, is there any way I can put this delicately? I love my guy. I adore my guy. He is wonderful and amazing and fine as hell and..., he's not the sharpest quill on the porcupine, if you know what I mean.

    He's not DUMB. I'm not saying he's dumb. Sit him and George Dubya down for an IQ test, and LJ wins in a walk. But he has the strangest perceptual issues.

    Example: "Babe, where's the taco sauce?" he asks.

    "In the refrigerator, on the second shelf, next to the orange juice."

    I am standing next to him as I say this. We are both peering into the refrigerator as I say this. I am looking DEAD AT the taco sauce as I say this.

    He does not see the taco sauce.

    Eventually I HAND him the taco sauce.

    This is not a one-time occurrence.

    Abstract problems seem to mess with him as well. The notion of shifting money around--taking the money that we were going to use for the phone bill and using it to pay the light bill, then paying the phone bill next week out of my checking account--something like that--tends to throw him off. After a few rounds of explanation, he gets it. His processor just seems to be at a slower speed, to put it in geek terms.

    I think it's all the weed, personally. And 99% of the time it's completely unnoticeable--it pops up in the oddest ways. But he's sweet and lovable and has no temper at all where I'm concerned, and if perhaps all that smoke has left him one banana shy of a split, well, then, it doesn't need to be a point of contention; it's just something we'll work around.

    3. My extortion-mongering bank posts checks online, yes. You can see them for a princely 30 days. After that--pay up, moneybags, pay up.

    4. I think I'm gonna send it to ALL the different local newsfolk; no sense putting all the eggs in one basket. I'm gonna get this guy. (I can't afford NOT to get this guy; bastard owes me $1900 AT LEAST!)

    5. :::putting you down on the list:::
    I may end up doing the PayPal thing--I think I'll start VERY small, though. I'll definitely blog my way through this experience, fear not....
