Sunday, October 17, 2004

You Have Gotta Be Freakin' Kidding Me, Part 2

Insert Cheap Shot Here

And another question: WHY hasn't anyone brought up the elephant in the living room??? If he was a Democrat, you know damn good and well the media would've dragged him all over creation by now. NOT that I'm saying I want to see the girls put through that--nobody deserves it--but things being what they are, WHY hasn't anyone told this fool to shut the hell up, that he's only making himself look dumber and more hypocritical every time the "G" word comes up???

I may just go to Canada regardless. This place is just TOO fucked-up for me.


  1. Ah, but you're assuming the Land of the Frozen North is better. I live in Toronto now, but hail from Alberta - the province that attempted to deny basic human right based on who you go home to. Our last federal election was nearly won by a man with ties to fundamentalist right wing groups.

    Oh wait a minute: you're being led by a man with ties to fundmentalist right wing groups, aren't you? Maybe we are a tad more liberal up here. Stephen Harper didn't win because news of his political ties freaked everyone out.

    Okay, move up here. But after November 2nd, 'kay, 'cause we need every Democrat vote possible.

  2. That is CRAZY! That incites my, watch out...
