Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Confessions, Part Two

I am also a bratty girlfriend today.

I came home and there was a little green notebook on the side table. I knew it wasn't mine; I picked it up anyway.

I contemplated a well-placed post-it note--"Gee, that's a lot of females. I wonder what the little stars next to their names mean?"

I settled for something nearly as snarky--I had promised LJ that I'd pay him back half the money for the latest Crap-Wagon repair, so I stopped at the ATM on the way home.

Guess where I left the money??

That's right--right in front of the page with all the stars.

Either he's doing nothing and that's an old list--it looks old-ish---or he IS doing something, in which case, once he finds it, he knows I know. Either way, I'm fine and I've made my point.

AND I ate one of his pork chops. So there.


  1. hehe..you are sneaky...i like it.

  2. And I bet the pork chop was delicious.

  3. Crispy, juicy, and perfectly seasoned. Yummmmm.....

  4. Hi, I poped in from Brians. I love Pork chops! Has he said anything yet? Have a good week.

  5. He didn't notice. It's all pork chops under the bridge, now, anyway. :)
