Saturday, October 9, 2004

On The Marketability Of Blogs

There's a micro-mini-debate going on in the comments section of my last post, regarding the question of whether it's possible to make a living blogging. I've noticed that personal blogs, while probably the largest portion of Bloggovia, are considered the black sheep of the blog world--down on the lowest rung of legitimacy and viewership, alas. There are exceptions, of course--Mimi Smartypants, Dooce, One Good Thing--but for the most part....

(Hey, waitaminit--Has anybody else noticed that ALL those bloggers have kids, and blog about them more-than-occasionally? This bears examination, methinks.)

Anyway, the whole question of "marketability" was in my mind when I ran across this in the Chicago Tribune.

Maybe it's because I'm a blogger and because I try to be as honest as I can in what I write, but this makes me want to kill someone. I mean, what the hell??!!?? Isn't there enough bullshit in the world already? Marketers, haven't you invaded every other aspect of our lives? Could you just for once stumble across something real and then leave it the hell alone???? Just to prove you CAN? Just so when some over-serious dumbass like myself comes charging at you, casting aspersions upon your chosen career and saying you can't leave any new idea alone, you can point to it and say "Yeah, that's true, but look over HERE...there was this one time..."?

Yeah, of course I know better. But--I mean, damn. That's just WEAK.

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