Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Would Someone Tell Me, Please, What I'm Doing Wrong?

There are mysteries in this world that will not yield to my repeated inquisitions.

Among these mysteries is one which has plagued me since I first encountered it; a mystery which seems to be something that many other people seem to understand effortlessly, but which for the life of me I cannot comprehend.

I speak, of course, of the appeal of polenta.

I have tried, repeatedly, to eat and enjoy it. I've tried. I've tried topping it with cheese, with tomato sauce, with butter. I've tried making crisps out of it, tried it hot, tried it warm. And it still tastes like what it is: a starchy, bland, vaguely-salted tasteless mass of slightly-gritty mush.

The hell of it is, I LOVE corn tortillas--essentially the same creature, with a little flour added--and I'll eat THEM in almost any permutation--but polenta's appeal still totally eludes me.

And let's not even get me STARTED about yogurt.

1 comment:

  1. i'm with you about the polenta. i just don't like the texture--like chewnig on pressed sawdust. yuck.
