Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Ladies and gentlemen, and those of you who haven't decided yet:

I submit to you what I consider to be the stupidest collection of people in one blog post/comment section, EVER.

First, read this. Note:

a) what site it's on

b) its title

c) its tone.

Then read its comment section. Read 'em all--there are lots, but don't worry, they're worth it.

I'll wait. ........................................................................

Are you done?? Does that entire exchange not make you want to weep for poor lost humanity as we descend into the morass of Unutterable Stupidity???

This is, like, a pinnacle of dumbness--yes, yes, I know my metaphors are mixed but my GOD!--a pinnacle of dumbness to which I never once believed the human soul could aspire. I mean, these folks aren't stupid; they're not even stOOpid. I don't know if there's a typographical conceit that could accurately capture the awesome stOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOoopidity of these people.

If this is representative of the "best posts", as the website claims, I don't want to see the WORST. My heart couldn't handle it.

1 comment:

  1. Very entertaining.
    Very stupid.
    Very bad English.
    I may have to kill them all one by one after i've washed by bed sheets....
