Saturday, October 23, 2004

Happy Wiggle Dance!!!!

Everyone, right now, go look at my profile.

As a tech geek, I'm embarrassed to admit this--but I just learned how to add images to my blog. Or, for that matter, to anything.

I am SO PROUD of myself!!!

(Incidentally--that pic is as close to me as I could get with the Portrait Illustrator....picture me substantially rounder, a little pinker, maybe with a slightly-scowlier mouth--oh, and the cute little kitty in my hand is about 1/25 scale for the actual White Cat. Other than that, it's pretty close.)


  1. hey, Gladys! it looks great. ^_^

    have you signed up for BlogExplosion yet? my hits increased by something like 1,000 just this week. it's pretty cool, check it out!
