Thursday, May 5, 2005

A Few Good Things

Know what I had for dinner tonight?


A biiiiiig SLAB of cake.
VEGAN chocolate cake.

Bought for me, might I add, by one Cute Brit. As a thank-you for the transportation.

(And also because he was getting cake for his girlfriend, about whom he talked for much of the ride home. :::sigh:::

But still.)

Fucking EXCELLENT cake. If I could eat that for every meal I'd be a vegan for sure.

And he actually took his hair out of the ponytail in my presence today, just for a minute, causing me a major covert :::::squeeeeee!:::: and the sudden need to occupy my attention elsewhere for a moment or two.

DAMN this guy is hot.
(I'm a complete sucker for long hair. It's a sickness, I think.)

Also? My suspicions have been confirmed--there's a total freakboy in there somewhere. I knew it.

Life is SO not fair, can I just say?

Freakboy-hotness, cake, and :::squeeee::: aside, though--it's kinda cool to have a guy to talk to who actually talks BACK. And with whom I can hold an intelligent conversation, in which -I- am the half who can't always keep up.

I'll settle for "friends".

(But only if I HAVE to.)


  1. Damn! He bought you vegan chocolate cake & took down his hair, in one day. You show amazing restraint woman.

  2. Oh, I'm all about the amazing restraints.

    Wait. You said.....

    :::blush::: Nevermind, then.

    :::slinks away::::

  3. I'm thinkin' he can be had, girlfriend or not.

  4. poopie: Doubtful, I think. He seems like one of those upright, honorable guys. Plus he seems happy with her. Also--again, she's pretty. And political. (Damn my luck...)
