Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Happy 10,000 To Me

As of about 5 minutes ago, The Story of Why had its 10,000th visitor. It's just a little more than a day short of a year since I loosed this blog on the outside world.

I'll never be Wonkette, maybe, but 10,000 hits a year is a number I can live with.

Thanks to all my loyal regulars (and also my disloyal irregulars, and the perverse freakpeople who want to know about the K@rshner Triplets, canine-hum@n sex, and/or "fucked my d@ughter" stories. Because frankly, I get a lotta hits off those people, and so I can't entirely dismiss them out of hand. But to those folks I will say, I think you all might need some hobbies--preferably the kind that require BOTH hands, if you get my meaning and I think you do.)

I'm sitting here in my room listening to the Replacements, a few hours before the start of my vacation. And as much as I whine and whinge and cry about the state of my life and my loves and my job, I have to say that right now, at 11:39 PM on a May night in Chicago?

All things considered, it's a pretty good moment to be Gladys.


  1. Yay for you!
    Can we have a joint celebration because my humble little blog has just five minutes ago hit the 5000 mark!

    Which is a fair reflection I think. Being half as good as the legendary Gladys will do for me!

  2. You should reward the 10th thousand visitor, do you know who it is?

  3. Mr. M...Alas, no I don't. My SiteMeter only goes up to the last 100 visits, and this morning (okay, well, this afternoon) when I logged on, we were at 10,114. The identity of #10,000 is lost to the mists of time. But for the sake of myth, I'm going to state for the record that it was probably one of the "c@nine-human sex" queries.

    Besides, the only reward I can think of right now would be to allow someone to vacuum my scroungy living room--and that's not much of a reward, now is it? :)
