Monday, May 9, 2005

Worst Evaluation Ever

Oh yeah--it's time to go, definitely.

I got my evaluation today, and it was completely for shit.

"Gladys has been asked several times over this last year to dress more professionally..."

Um, no. There was ONE conversation in which Amy intimated that I dress the way I do because I'm "uncomfortable with my femininity"--no direct request was ever made, much less "several".

"Setting a more professional tone in dress would help her and her work be taken more seriously by other staff members."

So would not being constantly undermined by my superiors in front of others. Guess we've ALL got dreams.

"She has great analytical skills, but sometimes has to be prodded to completely think through a problem...she also has some difficulty anticipating potential problems and often underestimates the time it will take to complete a task."

And sometimes I have to gather the same train of thought twenty thousand times because of all the interruptions. But that wouldn't have anything to do with it, now would it.

"Her supervisor often has to prompt her to run ideas, problems, and purchasing recommendations past others."

Translation: We don't trust her judgement and we make sure she knows this whenever possible.

There's more. It goes on like that. I'm supposed to meet with Amy and Beverly tomorrow, to "discuss" this. (Translation: another harangue.)

Thank god I've got a phone interview for another job tomorrow; the hope that THAT will come through is the ONLY thing that's keeping me from writing my resignation letter.


  1. I hate those fuckin' things...if they don't like us, why don't they just fire us? Not torture us by picking at us...*sigh*

    This is the first job I've ever had where I didn't get picked at for what I wear...probably because everyone else looks even WORSE!

    Someday, you'll find something that's more of a "fit" too (even if your clothes don't - mine *still* don't fit ;)

  2. Gladys, this sounds like a terribly nit-picky evaluation. I'm not seeing criticism of your actual WORK. Thats what should really be important. The way you dress? What the hell does that're not a Hooters girl.

    Hang in there. I hope the new job comes through for you.

  3. Don't sign the evaluation if you can help it. That is, if they ask you to sign it.

    I'm having a hard time believe HR let them get away with that dress thing. That's ridiculous.

    Hang in there, girl, and good luck with that phone interview.

  4. Well I'm certainly glad that I'm not the only one who thinks they were excessively nit-picky. In fact, in my opinion, the nits that were picked would keep a head-louse breeding program in business for YEARS.

    What galls me even worse: if they had actually ever SAID, "This is what we expect of you," it never would have even gotten this far. When it comes to what I can and can't do, I am not a person who responds well to subtlety. I will do exactly what I want to do, until I am told not to do it. Immature? A little. But also very human, I think. And I am not a clone, which is what they seem to want.... long as I'm not a clone of Amy, who used to breast-feed her baby during staff meetings (but I'm "too casual") or Beverly, who regularly cusses out associates on the phone, loudly, for all to hear (but my communication style is "too informal"). Gee, wonder where I got the idea that the things I was doing were okay???

  5. Girl, you need to run so fast out of there that all they see is the hem of your femininity-phobic (what does that even mean?) clothes disappearing out the door! They are out to bring you down, and obviously can't find any real issues with the quality of your work. Go! Get out! Run!
