Wednesday, May 4, 2005

My Workday

I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much I hate her so much

Do I sound like a twelve-year-old having a tantrum? Good. If I am to be treated like a twelve-year-old I will damn well take advantage of that status and ACT like one, at least long enough to get this rage out of my system.

The database fucker can bring our operation to a total standstill and get paid beaucoup bucks for the privilege and that's FINE, she can talk to HIM like an adult, but when I can't answer for two files which my browser shows I downloaded over a month ago, somehow it's okay to yell at me like I was one of her kids? While on speakerphone? With the same database fucker who is already allowed to treat me like I don't know what I'm doing, though of course the bitch claims that's somehow MY fault???

I have three weeks of vacation pay coming. It's the 4th of this month and I've paid all the bills.

If I still feel this diminished and dismissed and PISSED tomorrow, I think I'm going to put in my two weeks notice.

I am not saying I was right. I am not saying I shouldn't be more on top of things. But I am not a twelve-year-old child, and I have reached my limit.

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