Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Ahh, Vacation

I go back to work tomorrow.

I would like for someone to explain to me, please, how six days can go by so damn fast.

Friday: grocery-shopping/family gathering. Wrote: almost nothing.

Saturday: slept in. Tim shows up mid-afternoon. Make lasagna. Watch utterly kickass NASCAR race. Wrote: some.

Sunday: Tim cleans out the backyard. Lasagna: gone. Fry up a bunch of pork chops. Attacked by One Of Those Evil Stomachaches about 5 minutes before the beginning of "Deadwood" and consequently miss the episode due to puking. By 10:00 I'm fine. Spend an hour on the phone with Terrance as he tries to convince me to come down to Florida with him for the rest of my vacation. Wrote: a little.

Monday: Up at 7 to drive Tim back to the shelter. Also drive to work to drop off wireless router for co-worker who needs it more than me (she just had a baby). Phone interview for Best.Job.Ever. Spend the day checking work mail (less out of diligence than from hope of a message from Cute Brit.) Putter ceaselessly. Nap extensively. Make burgers for LJ and myself at 2 AM. Wrote: nada.

Tuesday: Slept in. Putter through the rest of the morning; work on sanding kitchen cabinets for a few hours. Sneeze a lot. In between, check work e-mail (same as above, and still disappointingly not-happening) and end up being told in no uncertain terms by The Big Tech Guy to "...GET OFF THAT COMPUTER and go enjoy your vacation!!!!" Be awed and amazed by the total slammin-hot wonderfulness that is Bo Bice. Another hour on the phone with Terrance. (Note to Terrance: Constantine and Bo are SO NOT "exactly the same guy". God.) Wrote: some.

Wednesday: well, here I am. (Finally got a note from the Brit, though. Squeeee!) Not sure quite what I'm gonna do today, but at least when I go back there'll only be two days til the weekend.

My phone interview on Monday went pretty well. Apparently they're setting up live interviews for the first week of June, and the guy even said they were very impressed with my background. So I'm holding my breath.

I am so not ready to go back yet.


  1. Good luck with the best job ever.

  2. It probably didn't help much to be checking work e-mails everyday...despite the cute Brit. Still vacations always go hecka hecka fast. Stay sane till the weekend.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed about the job.

  3. This country does not give enough vacation time. Good luck with Best Job Ever. Do what you can to enjoy your last day.

  4. Question; Why do you think you got sick on Sunday?

    comment; checkout my prediction for Idol tonight.

  5. Thanks for the good luck wishes, everyone! You know I'll keep you posted...

    Mystic...Actually, this is something fairly common with me. I haven't quite pinned down the cause, which makes me think a trip to the gastroenterologist might be in order.

    (And re: your prediction: I think you're right. But as long as it's not Bo leaving tonight, I'm cool either way.)

  6. Best of luck to you on the job prospect. I'll be thinking of you!

  7. Kiss the Brit girl..whaddya got to lose?

  8. Poopie...That would be "what tiny shreds of dignity remain to me," I think.
