Friday, September 3, 2004

Alan Keyes: Friend of the Masturbator

"Keyes objects in principle to 'the mutual pursuit of pleasure through the stimulation of the organs intended for procreation,' as he puts it." (Quote from Eric Zorn's Notebook; italics mine)

Well, personally, I say all masturbators are selfish hedonists. By this statement, Alan Keyes shows himself as the nation's most liberal Senate candidate when it comes to the topic of masturbation. Alan Keyes is the masturbator's best friend. Keyes takes positions on issues--like his willingness to support uncontrolled masturbation--that are totally contrary to the decent conscience to the overwhelming majority of people in the state of Illinois. His behavior suggests he is unfit to be standing there with (other United States) senators.

(All of these statements incorporate portions of quotes by Keyes re: others. Links show the original Keyes-ian quotes.)

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