Monday, September 13, 2004

Willpower--You Know, That Thing I Don't Have

As angry as I get at Eric Zorn and his blog from time to time--and incidentally, I've been informed that I WAS added to his blogroll, though I'm not sure when (and the anonymous individual who informed me was the first time I've seen his blogroll as a referrer)--Anyway, as angry as I get at his blog, it has at least one massively redeeming factor:

Links to stuff like THIS.

If anyone can get past level 54, I'd love to know how they did it.


  1. So, how does Eric Zorn make you angry? Is it the politics or what?

  2. Well, there are a few reasons. Some of them might even make sense to people other than me.

    For the most part--for the MOST part--I'm inclined to agree with his politics. But certain of his views just make my eyes bleed. Like, for example, the "Kiser" brouhaha. (I don't think I can link in comments, but there's a post a few days back where I link to the whole shebang.) I thought his handling of that whole story was just awful. What possible reasoning could lead him to believe that it would be a good idea to rail against THAT particular story? It was an absolute no-win. Rant and rave about graffiti--go ahead. But don't hang it off a story about a 22-year-old who died under mysterious circumstances and who was known as a graffiti artist (even though he wasn't tagging when he was killed by a CTA train.) The death of someone that young, no matter what a person might think of them or their actions, should be one of the few incidents which are immune to opinions other than "wow, that really sucks" or "I'm so sorry."

    In fact--since it's time to leave for the day, and I want to think about this more--this is going to stop being a comment and will later become a post.
