Saturday, September 18, 2004

I'm a WOMAN, Fer Chrissake!!!

Sheep that I am, I follow any and all shiny-looking links on other people's blogs. Today's shiny-thing-danglers were first (the awesome) Katie, and then the person who writes Seriously Random. And the particular shiny thing that was dangled was this:

The Gender Genie

I tried ten times, with ten of my longest blog posts.

You know how many times it thought I was a man?

NINE. NINE times it said I was a man. And when I clicked on the button that said "this was written by a female"--you know what it said?

"That is one REALLY butch chick." (Yeah, well, this really butch chick could fuck up your scrawny little geek-ass scientist self, I can tell you THAT much...)

Now: check THIS shit out, though. They use some algorithm based on keywords viewed as "masculine" or "feminine"

Feminine Keywords:


Masculine Keywords:


Now are you seriously gonna try to tell me that "the" is a "masculine" word? Because I use "the" a lot, that points to some masculine trend in my writing??? And what about all the "me" and "myself" and pronouns in the "feminine" list--are they implying that women write about humans, whereas men write about objects? What about introverted women or extroverted men??

Methinks this crock, it smellest of shite.

(Call THAT "masculine", muthafucka.)


  1. Awwwww, you called me "awesome"!

    2 things.

    1) I also think that hipsters are scary. Anybody who drinks PBR in a can as a badge of coolness is suspect in my book.

    2) That fuckin gender genie thought I was a dude, too. But I only gave it three posts. It didn't have any comments on my butchitude, however. (There are probably those that would call me butch, though. But I'll kick there ass any time.)

  2. See, you CAN'T be butch. You've given birth and thus are eternally exempt from suspicion of butchitude.

    I, on the other hand, being childless--and PARTICULARLY being willfully childless at the age of 34 (though what they don't know is, I'm not entirely responsible for that scenario, for medical reasons)--and ESPECIALLY-particularly being a willfully-childless 34-year-old female who works in a male-dominated field, thinks like a guy, and dresses like a tomboy....

    Put it this way. I walk down the street here and guys occasionally try to talk to me. And if I don't respond with the proper level of "I-want-to-give-you-a-blowjob"-ness, they immediately shift to plan B, and start calling me a dyke.

    Now, I don't mind this in the slightest--my motto is "let 'em wonder"--and besides, the main reason I've never had any same-sex experiences is just that the opportunity has never presented itself. So they can call me pretty much anything they want; I'm entertained, however, by the particular male thought pattern that goes "well, she won't screw ME, therefore she must not screw ANY guy--because if she was attracted to guys at all, she could never resist ME." The ego is just amazing.

  3. That gender thing is so stupid. I would think word choice is more a personality thing than gender related.

    And you have a pink-ish background.. that is pretty girlie to me!

  4. Well, if it makes you feel any better, the gender genie thinks all that girlie moaning and mincing on my blog was written by a man. The first paragraph I transplated, it scored 318 points male, 0 female. Uh huh. Sure.

    Still, a fun time killer.

  5. This is crazy! but fun. It all just depends on the kind of paragraph you put in. I did one about love and romance and it STILL told me I was more masculine. Hmph.
